The Best Solution for Flexible Films
When packaging your products, you want to ensure they’re presentable on shelves and safe and reliable for customers picking them up. Whether you go the route of boxes or stand up pouches, packaging and labeling is the first thing that catches the eyes of potential consumers, so you want to make sure you have the right printer for the job.
Thermal Inkjet printers are a great option because they can print important code information, like barcodes, effectively on flexible packaging films. These films are commonly used to package a wide variety of food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetic and personal care items, which are plentiful in supermarkets and grocery stores alike.
Here are a few of the reasons that make thermal inkjet printers the ideal solution for the perfect product label.
Using Thermal Inkjet Printers for Coding
With the prevalence of flexible packaging, coding is imperative for providing consumers and businesses with important label information, like expiration dates. In the event of a recall, companies need clear coding to quickly and effectively identify the impacted products to inform both buyers and sellers.
Proper and high-quality coding technology can also help prevent a recall because it allows for easy tracking and tracing of products throughout a supply chain. Coding ensures the safety of customers through the establishment of a security system to authenticate products shoppers want to buy.
Thermal inkjet printers produce excellent print quality on flexible films, like cardboard and plastic, that can help prevent consumers from unintentionally placing counterfeit items or goods that were tampered with in their shopping carts and baskets.
Benefits of Thermal Inkjet Printers
Along with the high-quality printing on flexible films, thermal inkjet printers offer a variety of benefits to optimize your products packaging needs. The printing process of thermal inkjet printers guarantees precision and clarity with every print.
When customers pick up a food product off the shelf, they look for the expiration date to ensure it’s safe to consume. Thermal inkjet printers are capable of printing on a multitude of flexible films from plastic to aluminum foil. The printing is also strong enough to prevent easy smearing when touched or if the item gets wet.
Expiration dates and barcodes will remain legible for long shelf life and for when shoppers purchase your product and store it at home until they’re ready to use it.
It’s also important to remember that if you sell a frozen product, the labeling must be able to withstand low temperatures so consumers can easily read the best by dates. Thermal inkjet printers can resist temperatures as low as 32 degree F.
Speed and Efficiency
The packaging and labeling process has to be quick enough to handle the thousands of products that are housed each day. It also has to ensure clarity for companies to abide by coding guidelines.
Thermal inkjet printers work at about 300 meters per minute and achieve a printing resolution of 600 DPI. These printers are sure to meet your packaging, labeling, and coding needs.
GCB is the Solution to Effective Packaging
We offer custom packing services and thermal inkjet printing to ensure high-quality labeling and coding. GCB Solutions is here to help you quickly and effectively print vital information on your products and get them into shopping carts!
Call us at (904) 263-2804 or schedule a free consultation today to learn more about our services.